What Does A Typical Preschool Day Look Like?

Daily preschool, pre-K, daycare schedule for Sol Spanish Immersion School in Franklin, TN

When your child arrives to our school, he/she is greeted in such a way that they feel that we have been anxiously awaiting their arrival! Teachers will have a brief chat with parents and ensure that the child and parents can say goodbyes to each other.

A typical day starts with Circle Time, a shared moment for the group, where children interact with each other, practice socio-emotional skills, and learn new knowledge by singing, moving, playing, & expressing themselves. Teachers support the development of Spanish linguistic skills.

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Afterwards, it’s time for our daily curriculum activities. During these, the children explore diverse topics and practice a variety of skills that cover the learning areas of our curriculum.

HEI Schools Learning Areas

Learning Areas


Then we head outside (or to our indoor gym if weather is harsh)! Physical exercise recharges busy little minds. During the outdoor activities, children strengthen their motor skills, explore nature, & their surroundings. Physical movement & exercise increases children’s attention span and strengthens memory.

Outdoor playground at our preschool and daycare.
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Lunch! A time for healthy, organic food! Children practice independence by serving themselves & clearing their own dishes. They are encouraged to interact with each other and practice good manners. Teachers eat their lunches alongside the children to help them practice social & language skills as well as model a healthy lifestyle.

Buffet lunch at daycare

A busy morning is balanced with some downtime after lunch. Our teachers will read a story and it’s time to unwind. Rest is essential for children’s learning. Well-rested minds learn quicker and more effectively. Rest also helps children focus and be more creative.

After resting time, we have free play! Children can freely explore and focus on their interests. During free play children use and cultivate imagination and creativity, handle their emotions and experiences, try out their own ideas and initiatives as well as practice cooperation and interaction skills – all essential skills needed in life.


A little snack then follows and then we go outside again. After a full day of joyful learning, it’s time to go home and say goodbye to our friends.
