Registration/Enrollment Forms

You will need Adobe Acrobat to complete the registration form, health history form, parental mask compliance contract, & the 3 signatures pages found at the end of the Family Handbook & once completed, these can be uploaded here along with the immunization/vaccine record (only allergic/medical exceptions will be permitted with medical documentation of reaction).If your child is 5 years old or older, please also complete the KG form.The registration fee of $250 should be mailed to our school at 621 Bradley Court, Franklin, TN 37067.  The check should be made out to HEI Schools.  We will email you a receipt once we have processed your application.  A start date will then be determined once all documents are received and reviewed for completion.

Please, review our Enrollment Journey below as it has easy to follow step by step instructions! After, we suggest requesting an updated, official TN Dept of Health vaccine record as you will not be able to complete the registration upload process unless all the required documents are uploaded at the same time. Only medical exceptions, such as allergic reactions, will be permitted with medical documentation of the reason (not religious exemptions). In order to be enrolled, a child must have the TN Dept of Health vaccine record showing that the vaccines are up to date. If your child is not up to date on their vaccines at this time, you can enroll once you have updated their vaccine schedule and have received an updated TN Dept of Health vaccine record.

Once you have an updated TN Dept of Health vaccine record, you will need Adobe Acrobat to complete:

  • Registration form

  • Health history form

  • Toilet (Potty) training contract

  • The 3 signatures pages found at the end of the Family Handbook

  • If your child is 5 years old or older and being enrolled in our preschool program, please also complete the Kindergarten Law form. You do not need to complete the Kindergarten Law form if you are enrolling in our Kindergarten program.

The registration will be processed once we receive the non-refundable registration fee of $250.

Your child's journey at HEI Schools starts with their Initial Discussion.  During this meeting, their teacher & parents/guardians go over the This Is Our Family form. Please, complete the form below prior to coming in for the Initial Discussion.

Your child's journey starts with their Initial Discussion. During this meeting, the teacher & parents/guardians go over the This Is Our Family form. Please, complete the form below & bring with you to the Initial Discussion.

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When children start at a new school, it is a big change for the whole family. It is natural for your child to react strongly to new situations. We understand that is it also quite natural for parents/guardians to worry about their child during this transition. We want you to know that we are here for you and you can feel free to reach out to any of us with any questions or concerns!