Sol Curriculum: Our Foundation For Everything


Our curriculum focuses on transversal skills rather than only academic skills because they are the foundation of all lifelong learning. Transversal skills include one’s knowledge, values, attitudes and will. It is also the ability to apply specific knowledge and skills as needed in any situation. Being able to connect different fields of knowledge and skills is the foundation for personal growth, studying, working and civic engagement, which is why our curriculum emphasizes these abilities. Independence is an important part of this process, so from a young age, children learn how to do small everyday tasks independently, such as zipping up coats, putting on shoes and cleaning up after meals, with the appropriate support when needed.

Language, literacy and STEM, i.e. science, technology, engineering and math, are built into the curriculum as well. Collaborative inquiry-based projects and project-based learning are some of the best methods to support all areas of development. Project-based learning is an active, child-centered form of learning that lets children explore different concepts through teacher-guided experimentation. In inquiry-based learning and projects, children’s questions, wonders and initiatives guide the learning process. They work toward common goals, either in small groups or as an entire group.


Learning Areas

Our learning areas are intended to act as a pedagogical structure that both supports and guides the children’s explorations. As such, the learning areas outline core domains for our pedagogical activities. Each of them are broken down into smaller sections and focused objectives for different activities.