When To Start Potty Training & Tips For Success
potty training Jennifer Santana potty training Jennifer Santana

When To Start Potty Training & Tips For Success

One of the most fulfilling events in a young child’s life is when they are able to use the toilet successfully. However, the journey to reach that goal may come with worries, frustration, and anxiety for the parents. You can relax because we are here to help you make this transition as smooth as possible for everyone involved!

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What Is Preschool Age?
Jennifer Santana Jennifer Santana

What Is Preschool Age?

The early years are the most important years in life. Research continuously shows that the brain develops at an astonishing rate and is therefore at its most adaptable and flexible during this time. It engages most often in discovery learning, which is when one learns through observation and interactions with others. For this reason, young children need and deserve high-quality education.

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