Sol Spanish Immersion Schools (formerly HEI Schools)

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What Is Preschool Age?

Many parents ask themselves: 

“What is the right age to send my child to preschool?” &/or "Is sending my child to school at 2 or 3 years old a good idea?"

These are good questions, but here's a better one... "When does a child have the highest capacity to learn--at age 3 or 18?" 

 Science tells us that from birth up to 6 years old, a child has the ability to learn the most information in any given time period and learn it easily with great retention.  In fact, did you know that 90% of your child's brain is developed before the age of 6? 

 Yes, you read that right... the brain of a child is adding millions of connections between nerve cells EVERY SINGLE SECOND! Those connections will serve as the basis of his/her ability to learn for the rest of his/her life.   

Considering that, it makes sense that parents give their children every opportunity to share in a wide variety of experiences during their first 6 years on Earth. 

What Children Learn In Preschool

Preschool experiences include language, math, geography, culture, interpersonal relationships, self-control, and independence. These help create the mature, responsible adult we pray our children will become. Mastering perseverance, compassion, hard work, and a great joy for learning add up to a lifetime of success. 

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, the early years are the most important years in life. Research continuously shows that the brain develops at an astonishing rate and is therefore at its most adaptable and flexible during this time. It engages most often in discovery learning, which is when one learns through observation and interactions with others. For this reason, young children need and deserve high-quality education.

At HEI Schools, we recognize the value of childhood, and look at the world from the child’s perspective. This allows us to understand what their needs are and the ways they learn best. Children are seen as active participants of their own lives and members of the community. Therefore, they should be allowed to voice their own opinions, create their own free play, and show their emotions. This builds a child’s strong sense of competence and identity that they are valued and their perspective is important.

We focus on holistic development, which means that each child is recognized as a whole person, and our amazing teachers strive to educate children who are socially, emotionally and academically confident and capable. This all-inclusive approach, along with the input of both the child and their guardians, equips children with the skills for life. 

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